Firefighters are trained to recognize the signs that flashover is about to occur: dense black smoke with tightly packed curls (“black fire”); dense, black smoke that pushes out of a doorway or window opening; smoke that has accumulated as low as a doorknob, with the fire seen below.
Rollover occurs when ignited fire gases, or incompletely burned fuels, rise to the ceiling, and spread out horizontally. Then smoke appears to suddenly start burning. If nothing is done to ventilate the room or cool the air, this condition leads to flashover.
Rollover: The condition in which unburned fuel (pyrolysate) from the originating fire has accumulated in the ceiling layer to a sufficient concentration (i.e., at or above the lower flammable limit) that it ignites and burns. Rollover can occur without ignition of or prior to the ignition of other fuels separate from the origin.
Backdraft is an explosion that occurs when oxygen is introduced into a room full of hot gases.
A fire burning in a confined area consumes all the oxygen.
Visible flames disappear. Solid fuels smolder, and hot flammable gases accumulate and fill the room.
The temperature increases, the gases expand, and pressure builds, pulsing against doors and windows. From outside, the building may look like it is breathing or throbbing.
If an opening is made to admit oxygen, the hot vaporized fuel bursts into flames, and the pressurized gases explode through the opening, resulting in a rolling fireball.
Rapid Fire Development: A transient phase in fire behaviour accompanied by a rapid increase in heat release rate of the fire & temperature in the environment, sometimes accompanied by the generation of over‐pressure.
These RFDs are subdivided into two main categories of phenomena: flashover and smoke ignition. Smoke ignition is then further subdivided into three separate developments: smoke explosion; backdraft; and flash fire (propagating flame fronts including rollovers) as shown in Figure 1.
Smoke Ignition: The ignition of the products of pyrolysis and incomplete combustion interior or exterior to the fire compartment due to the accumulated smoke layer falling within its flammability range and either auto-igniting or igniting due to an ignition source.
Flash fires, where a flame moves through a flammable mixture with considerable speed, but does not develop a significant over-pressure.
Smoke Explosion: A rapid fire development that occurs when a smoke-air mixture falls within its flammable range, either external or internal to the room of origin and is ignited, resulting in a significant pressure front.
Two manifestations of flame propagation that fall into this category:
火焰傳播的方式分為兩種形式:Flash Fire和Rollover:
Flash fires, where a flame moves through a flammable mixture with considerable speed, but does not develop a significant over-pressure.
Rollovers, where a flame front or pockets of smoke-air mixture ignite and move slowly through a mixture. Rollovers are also considered as an early and important indication of impending flashover
1993年,紐約市消防局副局長Dunn 指出:閃燃與爆燃之不同點可明顯分析出下列三項﹔1‵爆燃進行中,並隨暴風與衝擊波之現象,而閃燃進行中僅有可燃性氣體急激著火 之現象。2‵閃燃發生在火災成長期,而爆燃發在火災衰退期,二者之火勢階段迥異。3‵爆燃之發生是因足夠氧氣供給所觸動引發的, 而閃燃之發生是因足夠熱量所引發,二者發生機制不同。
後來Dunn 又於2002年進一步重新提出:1‵在建築物火災,爆燃發生頻率較少,閃燃則較常發生。2‵爆燃是一種帶有衝擊波之爆炸性現象﹔ 而閃燃則是一種火勢快速發展現象。3‵爆燃觸動發生原因是空氣,但閃燃並非空氣,而是熱。4‵火勢發展階段中,爆燃是可能發生在 成長期或衰退期(你們覺得應該是甚麼期,或說哪一期的發生機率較高),而閃燃僅可能發生在成長期。