Boilover occurs when the residues from surface burning become more dense than the unburned oil and sink below the surface to form a hot layer, which progresses downward much faster than the regression of the liquid surface.
When this hot layer, called a “heat wave,” reaches water or water-in-oil emulsion in the bottom of the tank, the water is first superheated and then boils almost explosively, overflowing the tank.
Oils subject to boilover consist of components having a wide range of boiling points, including both light ends and viscous residues. These characteristics are present in most crude oils and can be produced in synthetic mixtures.
A boilover is an entirely different phenomenon from a slopover or frothover.
Boilover 與Slopover 、Frothover 現象完全不一樣
Fire Safety Academy
Boil over develops in Crude Oils or heavy oils. As water is poured onto the fuel, it quickly sinks to the bottom of the container due to the water’s higher density.
Under certain conditions, after some time, the water on the bottom rapidly vaporizes into steam, causing it to expand more than 1700 times in volumn.
The rapidly expanding steam(possibly superheated) expels the oil or fuel above upward and out of the tank, resulting in the discharging of burning oil onto a large and uncontrolled area outside of the container.
Slopover involves a minor frothing that occurs when water is sprayed onto the hot surface of a burning oil.
當水被噴灑到燃燒中的高溫油類表面時會發生Slopover ,並產生一些小氣泡
Fire Safety Academy
Slopover is an over flow of the contents of the tank.
Slopover 是指油槽內的物質溢流的現象
This can result when water is applied to full surface tank fire provided the Oil is viscous and its temperatures exceeds the boiling point water.
The water first sink into the heat wave and is expanded into steam.
On its way out the steam forms a froth which expands the hot oil in the heat wave to a greater capacity than the ullage1 of the tank and thus causes the froth to spill over the top of the tank.
Frothover is not associated with a fire but results when water is present or enters a tank containing hot viscous oil. Upon mixing, the sudden conversion of water to steam causes a portion of the tank contents to overflow.
A froth over is the overflowing of a container not on fire when water boils under the surface of viscous hot oil.
An example is hot asphalt loaded into a tank containing some water. The water may become heated and start to boil, causing the asphalt to overflow the tank.
When water is present or enters a tank containing hot viscous oil, the sudden conversion of water to steam causes a portion of the tank contents to overflow.